Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Promotions of a few different things.

I decided not write a blog about myself, but rather promote some projects that are going on around and this cool band that I like.
Well one really cool thing that I personally have been doing is helping out with the Parkview Project in Redding for my Multicultural class, this includes tutoring about once a week afterschool. Even tho they can get on my nerves sometimes, I totally love it and am gonna miss working with them dearly. If you ever get the chance to tutor, you should totally do it.

Also I have been helping with the Stirring Kids since January and I am totally going to miss that too. If you are reading this and you live in Redding and don't go the Stirring. here is the website www.theStirring.org. And if you go to the Stirring, and are gonna be around for the summer, help out with the kids cuz it is way fun. I mean who doesn't love crafts and worshiping God with the kids.

Another thing that I wanna bring up is a project that my friend Will has decided to head up. It is called Help Super-Bat-Spiderman. I know that you are probably wondering who is Super-Bat-Spiderman. Well, his name is Nicolas Eaken and he is 4 years old and has Burkitt's lymphoma and has other physical and mental problems including Autism. His mom is a single mom of 4 boys and they lost their home in Healdsburg, CA (Sonoma County) to toxic mold last year. Nicolas and his mom are at the Ronald McDonald House in Sacramento, but are trying to transition back to Sonoma County. If you wanna help contact my friend, Will Southall, at his myspace http://www.myspace.com/noizemaker or email help_super_bat_spiderman@yahoo.com or call (707) 280-5427 or go to their myspace www.myspace.com/superbatspiderman_batmom.

Well another thing that is not a project at all is my boyfriend's band. They rock! I really think that they do and I am not just saying that cuz I am dating the drummer. They just recorded two tracks with John Miller a few weeks ago and they sound amazing. Go to www.myspace.com/tornkashmere to check them out.
Ok that is all for now folks. Bye Bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Torn Kashmere eh... their music sounds pretty rockin.