Monday, April 7, 2008

Hey hey

So I am not sure if anyone reads these due to the lack of comments in return... so the most recent cool fun stuff was the Myriad concert which was March 15th and Spring Break which was March 20th-30th. So the Myriad concert was freaking amazing!!! It is the best that I have ever heard them play. This is the 3rd concert of theirs that I have been too. And the first on was like almost 3 years ago or at the Stirring. Like way back in the day. HA. Anyways it seems like they are more famous now too considering that I was squished in line to get pictures/ autographs for awhile. Oh and the funniest part was when Brett got stuck under the stage at the concert. So I dropped my purse under the stage and I told Brett to go under the stage and get it and he got stuck and then an usher lady comes up right then... in trouble "uh Oh"... well he got out like 1 minute later but it was still pretty funny. And he didn't get my purse so I had to wait til after. Yay for the Myriad!! WOOT!
So Spring Break was pretty awesome.. my first night, we had a skate night fundraiser in Rohnert Park at Cal Skate for Nicholas who is a 4 year old boy with Burkitt's lymphoma :(. My friend Will knows him. Ben came to the skate night with me and we had fun skating in circles and watching him play DDR. I hope that we raised some money for Nicholas. :/ I am not sure cuz it was a small turn out. After the skate night, Jax and I went to Ben's house to play Rock Band... which was uber fun. I love Rock Band. The only part that I can do is the singing part, but oh well. I still love it.
Friday was church at Hope Chapel for Good Friday... it was pretty cool what Dan had to say about Jesus and stuff. I know I am being vague. But i did like the message. After, I talked some to Jeni C. who I haven't seen in forever. It was good to see her. Then I went to swing dancing! It was really boring at first and then Kevin F. came with friends and we danced and hung out... They invigorated me with energy that I didn't have earlier. Afterwards, we went to Carrow's until 1 am :). I miss times like that with people. It was good to have one again. It was funny Kevin brought up something about interrogating me or something because I am a Christian and then he just dropped it and didn't say anything. I was glad cuz I wasn't looking forward to a theological debate at such a late hour.
Saturday, I hung out with my family. Sunday, was Easter and we went to Chevy's for Easter lunch... my family is random with holidays some times... it wasn't a big deal this year.
Monday was College Group with the cool peoples from Sebastopol Christian Church. It was amazing cuz Brandon gave his testimony. He is so on fire for God now it was great to see and good to talk to him. He is such a different person than he was a few years ago. :)
I also got a new laptop on Monday cuz my dad broke my other one. :(.... Lame I know. ha.
Anywho Tuesday was nothing important... my bro came to visit on Wednesday. I am so proud of him. He is working so hard for the Oakland PD. Also my parents left for Vegas on Wednesday night.... well at midnight on March 27th :P.... On Wednesday, i also hung out with Ben again and we watched some Simpsons and played more Rock Band.
Thursday, I was woken up at 6:30 am by my cat... after going to bed at 1 or 2. :P So I had a major lack of sleep. I went to sushi that morning with Ben after playing some more Rock Band... then after the super good sushi at Tex Wasabi's, we went to the mall.
I was supposed to hang out with Bryce, but I never did. It was disappointing. But I am over it now. :P. I left on Friday for Orland and I hung with Brett. We also went and hung out in Chico on Saturday with Brett's bro and got some new/old stuff from the Pick N Pull for Brett's car. And only half of the stuff worked... then we went and got dinner at Olive Garden... :). And then we hung out at a "concert" that sucked with Justin... hmmm. Sunday was church and then off back to Redding... and this week I have been in Redding... I am getting shorter and shorter... ummm that doesn't make sense. I know. ok. bye. now.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Just wanted to know that I do read your blog and want to agree the Myriad concert was amazing.