Thursday, September 18, 2008

Friends, Morality, and Me (ranting)

  • Okay seems like my last blog caused some controversy. I am not saying that a girl who as never had a boyfriend can't be my friend. I am just saying that she is not like me. I am friends with lots of different people. I actually like having friends that are different than me. But the feeling that I was feeling was that I want someone here in Redding that is the same as me. Someone who feels comfortable walking into a bar and will sing karaoke with me. I didn't mean to offend those that won't do that. I like to do that so I want other friends that will do the same things as me and have had similar experiences. I am not trying to be a downer on those who haven't. Just like my non-Christian friends aren't trying to change me into the ultimate party girl. They know that I am not that girl and they respect me for that. I have beliefs and morals too, but I know that I am not as strict as some people. I have lines that I won't cross and I have lines that I said that I wouldn't cross that I did cross. And I actually have no shame in admitting that. I live my life by my rules and not anyone elses rules. I really don't like rules actually. But I stick to morals that are important to me. I know someone is gonna say that I can't pick and choose biblical rules or something. I am not saying that I do. For one thing, there is nothing in the bible to go off for dating. Christian rules for dating are made up by the church. And I know that getting drunk is "bad". I am not gonna say that it isn't bad. I just can think of a lot more worse things that I could do that I have never done. So I don't consider myself a bad person just cuz I drink from time to time. I haven't drank alcohol in 2 weeks and I am actually really proud of myself for that. I am gonna think about what I am doing now to make myself a better person and not what I did a month ago. But what I did a month ago or 2 months ago has shaped me into who I am today. I am not gonna deny that I am different because of it. I am just different that what surrounds me. I know that everyone sins and someone is gonna say that you can't rate the degree of sin. And that everyone has shortcomings. Okay but my experiences are still different from yours. Just like a drug addict, sex addict, or alcoholic has had different experiences from me. I am not rating sin. I am just saying that people have different life experiences. So the "Belonging" blog was about wanting someone that I can connect to on a deeper level because we have had similar experiences. Like if you have never had a boyfriend, there is no way that you can relate to the fact that I have had 5 boyfriends and various hook-ups with guys. And that I just got out of a 3 year relationship. No one can relate to that unless they have been there.
  • Disclaimer: This blog is in no way meant for anyone specific. I have many friends that haven't had the same experiences as me.

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