Saturday, September 20, 2008

I should be sleeping.....

I hate not being able to sleep. But what am I gonna do about it. bang my head at the wall til I knock myself out. My cousin used to do that to fall asleep. lol. It is really weird. No one should take what I say in my blogs too seriously by the way. Especially if they are written at 1 am. I have no idea what I will say so that is some sort of warning. My last two blogs were a little depressing so I am gonna look on the light side today. So what has been going on in the world of Darla. Well, on Thursday night Julie and I went to the bar at the Red Lion hotel and sang some karaoke. That was fun! Well I sang karaoke. I mean.... (cough cough). I will have to go back sometime and reprise my role as the cheerleader for the old man playing pool. lol. no really... he wanted me to cheer for him. ya... anyways so today was pretty dull beside the BBQ at the Miller's house for the Stirring. I saw some new faces and some old ones and made awkward conversation and normal conversation. I don't do well in situations like that sometimes. Small talk bothers me sometimes. I kinda wish that I had more friends around here though so I wouldn't have to show up at a BBQ and hang out with people that I don't know that well. But the purpose was to make new friends. I am either really good at that or really bad at that. I was really good at it over the summer for some reason. I have always had a harder time connecting in Redding maybe I am still out of my comfort zone here or something. who knows? Well tomorrow Brett and Jesse and I are going river rafting on the American River. I am glad that Brett and I are working on the friend thing. We will see how it goes but I am excited about going rafting. yay! well I have to get up really early. so goodnight world. BTW God is awesome!

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